Success Stories

Saving for bright future

No more unwanted pregnancy: Domestic workers comprise a significant part of the global workforce in informal employment and are among the most vulnerable groups of workers. In Rwanda, domestic workers are part of youth category that is less considered when it comes to development programs, because most of these programs focus on children who are in schools while most of domestic workers have no chance to attend schools or dropped out without even completing primary school. Domestic workers are found in all cities with a great number of them in Kigali city. In order to survive some of the children from poor families or orphans drop out of school so to look for domestic work. These children start domestic work to earn some money. However, this career is associated with different bad and low payment, mistreatment, sexual abuse, etc.

A 17-year-old girl from the southern Province, whose name is withheld to protect her identity and lives at Nyarugenge District, and came in Kigali to seek for a job as a domestic worker she said.

“I used to do my domestic work but without any knowledge on reproductive health; even my parents had never told me about it before. I reached adolescence when I was already in Kigali. A boy also, domestic worker from our neighboring family wanted me to have sex with him but I refused for fear of getting pregnancy; then he told me that a girl gets pregnant when she does sex at night or in a dark place. I thought he was right and more informed than me and I accepted and consequently I got pregnant and gave birth- I was 16 years old at that time.  I wish ADBEF could have had trained me before I fell into that temptation. I am happy that I will no longer fall into the same temptation”


MUGABUKWARI Joseph, a boy of 22 Years old

When ADBEF came to me at work, I did not get what they told me. There were three persons. They told me about the trainings which were planned to take place in January. The day came and I participated in the trainings where I found my fellows. We were trained in saving and money management. Because of the lessons learned, during 7 months of the trainings I saved some money and I bought a cow which costed 160 000 Rwf. I am grateful to ADBEF because without the trainings I could not have the cow.

NYIRANTEZIMANA Ange, a girl of 19 years old

I worked for a family for two years and could not plan anything important with the money. I spent all the money in having fun with my friends like taking them to bars and buying for them food and alcohol. I thank ADBEF because since the time I joined the trainings, 7 months,  up to now I saved 120 000 Rfw.

After the field visits to domestic workers trained by ADBEF, here are their stories UWINEZA Ancilla:

“Before I wasted the money from my salary in buying less important things especially as new style of clothes. Through the training, I learned how to make savings and I started to attend institutions of finances; and I have a passbook of my savings”.

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