Sensitization on Human Right

Supported by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, ADBEF realized since 2014 different projects to improve the living conditions of domestic workers. Among the projects funded are:

  • Project to prevent domestic and sexual violence towards domestic workers, majority females;
  • Training of domestic workers on the principles of human rights, on the reproductive health and also on revenue saving.
  • The project aiming on training young domestic workers on family law in order to prevent illegal marriage.

Because of these projects, more than 600 young domestic workers mostly girls from Nyarugenge District in Kigali City have been trained in basic principles of human rights, prevention of sexual and domestic violence, on health reproductive and on savings.

Through the workshop discussions, the implementation of these projects brought together the employers and local authorities who received information about the vulnerability of domestic workers and how they can act to protect these vulnerable young people against sexual violence.

The good partnership of the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Vocational Training, the National Commission for Human Rights and the National Police made these projects successful.

After the field visits at the domestic workers trained by ADBEF, here are some touching testimonies:

  • – “Through ADBEF workshops, I have been informed a lot about things I did not know. A great thing that I knew, it was that there was an organization that focuses on the life of domestic workers while before we were abandoned by the society. Also, I learned about my rights as a person, and once my rights are violated I have rights to report my case to the authorities who are competent to handle the situation. I am happy to have the knowledge about human rights “.
  • – “At the moment I’m not afraid of local authorities because I know they are also trained to protect domestic workers against all forms of violence.”

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