1.1. Capacity Building of Women
In October 2017, ADBEF received a grant from Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) to implement a project entitled “Promoting the role of rural women in addressing family sexual and reproductive health needs through trainings and peer education in Rwanda.” The main objective was to build capacities of women to enable them to address issues related to SRH in their community.
150 women were trained on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Family Planning, sensitization on hygiene and good nutrition through community cooking demonstration and creation of model kitchen garden. Different types of vegetable seeds have been given to project beneficiaries to encourage them to plan vegetables in their homes in order to improve family nutrition.
Beneficiaries have also been trained on basic techniques of behavior change communication regarding SRH including family planning and orientation on community peer education. 20 couples gained skills on how to conduct dialogue on SRH in the family.
As results of this project, beneficiaries gained new skills and knowledge that contributed to the improvement of living conditions of their families. They took measures to eradicate malnutrition for better future of their families. Through discussions, project beneficiaries increased knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and family planning and decided to use different methods of family planning. In addition, they took strategies to conduct family dialogues around sexual and reproductive health in their families with focus on young adolescents.