Capacity building of domestic workers

In November 2014, ADBEF received UNDP’s grant to implement a project entitled “ADVOCACY AND CAPACITY BUILDING ON SAVING AND MANAGEMENT FOR THE DOMESTIC WORKERS” the main objective being to improve living conditions of domestic workers through awareness raising on reproductive health, sexual and domestic violence as well as capacity building on saving and loan schemes and creation of small income generating activities.

105 domestic workers were trained on three main subjects, namely reproductive health, sexual and domestic violence as well as on saving and creation of small income generating activities.

The advocacy meeting of local authorities, National police officers, Ministry of public service and labour, Rwanda National Human rights commission and media.

There are positive results that have already been achieved thanks to the project though we are waiting for more change in the living conditions of domestic workers. As results of the project, beneficiaries gained new skills and knowledge that contributed to the improvement of their living conditions. They formed tontines and opened individual bank accounts as a proof for increased spirit of saving.

In addition, domestic workers are aware of what happen around them including development programs and human rights contrary to the past when were without access  to life-transforming information. The advocacy work done to Ministries, institutions, employers and the general public through media for the protection and promotion of the rights of domestic workers is another big achievements that will undoubtedly contribute a lot to the welfare of domestic workers.

The UN Resident Coordination & UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Lamin M. Manneh, was awarding the President of ADBEF, Ndagijimana Lyhotely a Certificate of Recognition of ADBEF for the successful implementation of the project

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