Since I started this journey I managed to advocate for the rights of the domestic workers as humans and normal workers who contribute to the national development. In my work, I organized different advocacy meetings bringing together officials from concerned ministries and institutions both public and private. I also used different media such as radio, TV and different news papers which wrote articles on our organization’s activities promoting the rights of domestic workers. Up to now, there are many domestic workers, majority females, who improved their living conditions.
In 2014, my organization was awarded a grant by UNDP for a project we conducted; as a result of the project, beneficiaries gained new skills and knowledge that contributed to the improvement of their living conditions on reproductive health, sexual and domestic violence, as well as capacity building on saving and loan schemes and creation of small income generating activities. In Rwanda, ADBEF is the first organization of civil society that started to give attention for the first time to the problems of living condition of forgotten group of “domestic workers”, and advocates for them. In my personal life I promote peace and strive for the respect of the rights of everyone. I am patient and easily accessible. I am never discouraged and enjoy creative arts. My highest goal is to contribute to end violence against domestic workers. And I call upon everyone to join me in that battle. Thanks you for your advice and support.
Ndagijimana Lyhotely, President of ADBEF