ADBEF headquartered is in Rwanda, Kigali, Nyarugenge district, Kimisagara Sector, at Kimisagara for Hope Center.
P.O.Box 6130 Kigali
Kaitlyn AllenADBEF Charge of External relations and Regular advisor Houston, Texas.
NDAGIJIMANA LyhotelyFounder & Executive Director of ADBEF
Ms. Allen was graduated from Georgetown University in conflict resolution (Master); and Trinity University, in the faculty of international relations. She met Mr. Ndagijimana in 2010 when the two were part of a delegation on human rights organized by Global Youth Connect. Ms. Allen believes that ADBEF has the potential to become a very important organization for the development of Rwanda through the passion and efforts of Mr. Ndagijimana.
Mr. Ndagijimana is Rwandese, with a University degree in social sciences, departments of sociology and he was graduated from Kigali Independent University (ULK). He coordinated youth activities, health, fight against HIV / AIDS and conflict resolution projects in Rwanda in different organizations. Today he works for the promotion of ADBEF. He is patient, accessible to everyone, and he loves creativity. Mr. Ndagijimana is the author of a study on domestic workers, which was published as a book in 2011.